Senin, 18 Februari 2013

English For Mathematics

okay, at first time we will learning about ::
"INTEGERS" (Bilangan Bulat)

let's repeat the lesson of Elementary School :D

0 zero 
1 one 
2 two 
3 three 
4 four 
5 five 
6 six 
7 seven 
8 eight 
9 nine 
10 ten 

11 eleven 
12 twelve 
13 thirteen 
14 fourteen 
15 fifteen 
16 sixteen 
17 seventeen 
18 eighteen 
19 nineteen  
20 twenty
30 thirty
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety
100 one hundred
1000 one thousand

−245 minus two hundred and forty-five
22 731 twenty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-one
1 000 000 one million
56 000 000 fifty-six million
1 000 000 000 one billion
7 000 000 000 seven billion
1 000 000 000 000 one trillion
3 000 000 000 000 three trillion

Perlu diingat !
setelah kata "hundred" harus ditambahkan "and"

ex :

Rp 2,567,934.00
:: two million five hundred and sixty seven thousand nine hundred and thirty four rupiahs

Rp 7,654,321,984.00:: seven billion six hundred and fifty four million three hundred and twenty one thousandnine hundred and eighty four rupiahs

Let's try it ! :D
1) Rp 987,654.00
2) Rp 1,234,567.00
3) Rp 9,999,999,999.00

Rp 1,111,111,111,111.00
:: one trillion one hundred and eleven billionone hundred and eleven millionone hundred and eleven thousandone hundred and eleven rupiahs

any question about "INTEGERS" ? :D

okay next ~

As we know, that rational number is ::a/b , with b =/ 0 a,b E R
a/b a is kardinal and b is ordinal ,

1/3 one third
1/5 one fifth
2/3 two thirds
2/5 two fifths

Perlu diingat ! 
untuk kardinal > 1 maka ordinalnya ditambahkan "s"

and special cases are :
1/2 a/one half
1/4 a/one quarter [= one fourth] 
3/2 three halves
3/4 three quarters

and others ~
−1/17 minus one seventeenth
3/8 three eighths
26/9 twenty-six ninths
− 5/34 minus five thirty-fourths

and special notation sometimes used for improper fractions, as
3 1/2 three and a half
2 3/7 two and three sevenths

okay it's simple, right? :D
Let's try it guys! ^^
1) 1/7
2) -2/13
3) 111/4
4) -4/111
5) 99 88/99


11 22/33
:: eleven and twenty two thirty-thirds

okay, any question about "FRACTION" ? :D
if it's not question, next ~
"REAL NUMBERS" (Bilangan Real)

we will give you some numbers,
ex :

−0.067 minus nought point zero six seven
81.59 eighty-one point five nine
−2.3 x 10^6 minus two point three times ten to the six
[= −2 300 000 minus two million three hundred thousand]
4·10^(−3) four times ten to the minus three
[=0.004 =4/1000 four thousandths]
π [=3.14159...] pi [pronounced as ‘pie’]
e [=2.71828...] e [base of the natural logarithm]
etc, ....

let's try it ! :D
1) 0.12345
2) 98.765
3) -9.99 x 10^(9)
4) 876.54 x 10^(-87)

okay, finally :D //
the last lesson English For Math about :
"COMPLEX NUMBER" (Bilangan Kompleks)

i i
3+4i three plus four i
1 −2i one minus two i
1−2i (garis panjang diatas 1-2i) = 1+2i the complex conjugate of one minus two i equals one plus two i

The real part and the imaginary part of 3+4i are equal, respectively, to 3 and 4
:D ... 

hemm okay :D
the lesson about English for Math today maybe is enough ..
today we have learn about :
hopefully useful for us ^^


Okay, we back to reply the lesson of Elementary School about
"Basic Operation"

On math, we know about four mathematics operation :

1) Addition / Penjumlahan (+)
3+5 = 8 
three plus five (equals / is equal to) eight

2) Subtraction / Pengurangan (-)
3−5 =−2
three minus five (equals / is equal to) minus two
3) Multiplication / Perkalian (x)
3 x 5 =15
three times five (equals / is equal to) fifteen 
4) Division / Pembagian (:)
3 : 5 =0.6
three divided by five (equals / is equal to) zero point six

But, we also learn with detail, like that ::

1) Addition / Penjumlahan (+)
 :: 2 + 3 = ...
If two is added to three and the sum is ...
Jika dua ditambah 3, hasilnya adalah ...

2) Substraction / Pengurangan (-)
 :: 8 - 4 = ...
If four is substracted from eight and the different is ...
Jika 4 dikurangi dari 8, hasilnya adalah ...

3) Multiplication / Perkalian (x)
:: 5 x 6 = ...
If five is multiplied by four and the product is ...
Jika 5 dikali 4, hasilnya adalah ... 
4) Division / Pembagian (:)
:: 8 : 4 = ...
If eight is duvided by foir and the quotient is ...
Jika 8 dibagi 4, hasilnya adalah ... 
Okay, next ~

example ::

1) 5 x 6 + 3 = ...
If five is multiplied by six and the product is added to three, then the sum is ...
Jika 5 dikali 6 dan hasilnya ditambah 3, maka hasilnya adalah ..

2) (2+3)/4 = ...
If two is added to three and the sum is divided by four, then the quotient is ...
Jika 2 ditambah 3 dan hasilnya dibagi 4, maka hasilnya adalah ..

Untuk masing" operasi dan hasilnya ^_^

+ = added to = sum
- = substracted from (dibalik) = different
x = multiplied by = product
: = divided by = quotient

Try it ! :D
1) 2/(10-7) = ...
2) (2+3)/(5x6) = ...

Okay next (^_^) //

Any quetion about basic operation? 
If no question, next material about ::
"Exponentiation, Roots"

5^2 [= 5 x 5 = 25] 
:: five squared / five to the power two

5^3 [= 5 x 5 x 5 = 125] 
:: five cubed / five to the power three

5^4 [=5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 625] 
:: five to the fourth / five to the power four

5^n [= 5 x 5 x 5 x ... = ]
:: fife to the nth / five to the power n 
:: five to the minus n / five to the power minus n

5^−1 [=1/5 = 0.2] 
:: five to the minus one

5−2 [=1/52 = 0.04] 
:: five to the minus two

:: root x / square root x / square root of x 
√3 [=1.73205...] 
:: the square root of three

3'√64 [= 4] 
:: the cube root of sixty four 
5'√32 [= 2]
:: the fifth root of thirty two 
:: nth root of x


example : 
:: one plus two, all to the power of two plus two

e^(πi) = −1 
:: e to the (power of) pi i equals minus one

We Love Math, IMC For ALL
:D#IMC <3

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